Greetings ~
Funerals today are fairly commonplace. If your poor, you get the cheap funeral. If your rich, your funeral can be pretty darned nice. But if your wealthy and famous, your funeral can be a show to mark the end of your life.
There are several things that celebrities do to show their fortune. Big mansion, fancy cars, nice clothes and spectacular funeral service. With all the money they have made in their lifetime, this is the last they will spend of it. So, why not go out with a bang? Let's face it, once the celebrity is buried or entombed and some time passes, they're all but forgotten. Other stars move in and take their place. So this is the final time that they can splurge and, in most cases, they do. Even if they aren't here to see it.
This blog showcases some funerals of celebrities, politicians, etc. Some are big productions, others are not. Check them out. And maybe you will get a few ideas to use for your own funeral.